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Flute Player in Orchestra



We're thrilled to announce that we’re once again offering three bursaries this year!


These bursaries play a vital role in expanding access to our courses and supporting aspiring musicians. We are deeply grateful to All Flutes Plus, SGM, and Powell Flutes for their generosity in making this initiative possible!





We are delighted that All Flutes Plus is once again offering a fully funded Intensive Performer place.


This bursary covers full-board accommodation but does not include travel expenses.


Designed to support talented musicians facing financial barriers, the bursary is open to players of all ages, from anywhere in the world. The award will be granted to the applicant who would benefit most from attending the course.


The panel may choose to divide the bursary between two players and has full discretion over the final award decision.


The SGM Bursary provides £1,000 in funding to support talented students who may face financial barriers to attending our summer school.


This bursary is open to all applicants, and the panel may choose to divide the award among multiple recipients. While it is not intended to cover the full cost of the summer school, it will provide a valuable contribution toward the total balance.


The panel has full discretion over the allocation of the bursary.


The Powell Flutes Bursary provides £500 in sponsorship to support students who wish to attend our summer school but may face financial barriers.


Like the other bursaries, this award is open to all applicants, and the panel may choose to divide the funds among multiple recipients.

While it does not cover the full cost of the summer school, it offers a valuable contribution toward the total balance.


The panel has full discretion over the allocation of the bursary.




To apply for any of these bursaries, please complete the online application form by the deadline of May 9th, 2025.


The panel will review all applications and communicate decisions via email by May 30th, 2025.


If you have any questions or concerns about the application process or the bursaries, please don't hesitate to contact us at



We are committed to making our summer school accessible to talented students, and we hope these bursaries will help us achieve that goal. We look forward to receiving your applications and welcoming you to our summer school!

You are welcome to apply for all THREE bursaries.


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